
|| AMHARIC version

My Father’s House International Museum


Yahweh Nissi (The Lord is our banner) Exodus 17:15

    This project’s goal is to prepare a way so that more people will come to understand God’s Eternal Love through accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have Eternal Life!


1.      To create a new visual reflection experience of Gospel beyond speech and reading

2.      To emphasize God’s ultimate relational intentions that has been mainly depicted in the Holy Bible to all mankind.

3.      To preserve church truth in an eloquent presentation to generations to come

4.      To present our fathers and forefathers spiritual footprints in a different scheme than that has been done anywhere in the world before.


    In our country Ethiopia, there are more than millennium and century old spiritual footprints specially built in the Orthodox Church history. In this regard one can mention the rock hewn church of Lalibela with incredible astonishing architecture with church chains which has generational Christian truth with greater impact among  Christian faith followers and every visitor.  Yet still from the general population of the Gospel believer’s assembly that accounts for 25 to 30 million through their council besides trending gospel teachings they do not have permanent institution where by  generational gospel teachings and testimonials can be visited  in an organized institution that is readily available to visitation in most portrayal representations possible for generations to come.

    My Father’s House International Museum project vision is given through singer Rahel Shibabaw by God who is the sovereign owner of the whole project.

    Noting My Father’s House International Museum the passing of the messages of the gospel with all the life transformational history reflections is a burning issue in these ending times. While, this project is the will of God not of man. Then pushing forward the establishment of my father’s house international museum in my faith is due the right season and opportunity before my generation passes.

    My Father’s House International Museum project is initiated by Gospel Singer Rahel Shibabaw who has been inspired by God whom she believes owns the vision.

    With God’s mercy the Gospel Singer has been serving the house of God for 13 years with songs, sharing the truth of God and participating on Church organizational board chairperson. She is married and a mother of two children. For this project proposal her previous works, i.e first My father’s House Gospel song collection CD then My Father’s House (Documentary) Film have been a great input since she has been inspired with the vision from God.

    My Father’s House International Museum is first of its kind composition mega institutional project with its building having not less than 21 large halls which will depict the house of God involving the Gospel and or Holy Bible references.


    As this project is going to be built in the African metropolitan Addis Ababa city as of its opening in the first year only it is expected  to have more than 100 thousand national  visitors and more than 50 thousand international visitors  attraction and visitation capability. As per the number of visitors stepping into the museum will have the very opportunity to share the God’s Gospel truth.

    As Christian believers visit I believe the unique portrayal testimonials of the museum will remind and give them reasons to endure and strengthen their inner spirit towards better commitments. While for family visits it’s an opportunity for parents to teach the gospel to their children in a simple holistic manner.

    At national level the Museum will have its own contributions by attracting more tourists. In doing so it will play its key role in the tourism sector as Addis Ababa is known for a great potential of the smokeless industry, truism.

    My Father’s house International Museum Construction composed of Holy Bible and Historical reflection works and continued Institutional administration the project will give work opportunities for 150 Christian community members.